Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sponge Animals and Jesus

A few months ago while reading a book called Embracing Obscurity, I came across an incredible illustration that I couldn't wait to use with my girls in Clase Biblica. It involved the use of "magic grow sponge capsules," - you know, those plastic coated capsules that you put in warm water and when the plastic dissolves the sponge inside the capsule expands and reveals the shape of an animal. I put them on my amazon wish-list and within 5 minutes, my friends Josh and Adora had purchased them and they were on their way to me in Monte Plata.

I finally decided that this was the week to use them in class. But before we got around to using the capsules during the lesson, we opened class with some exciting new graphic Bibles that the Bridgens family from my church in Scottsdale sent down for the ministry. These Bibles are illustrated like comic books, completely in Spanish and in full color. Each page contains the exact Biblical reference from which that part of the story comes. Needless to say, the girls were fascinated with them. We sat together and read them for about 20 minutes, stopping to discuss what we were reading and how that part of the Old Testament relates to our lives today. One of the girls passed by my house this afternoon and said "Clase Biblica was really great today. I love those Bibles! Can we keep reading them?" Yes, Estefany, yes we can. 

After reading, we started our lesson which was based on 2 Corinthians 5:17 - If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come. I passed out the magic capsules to each of our girls. I explained that we are each like one of those little capsules. God created us for a purpose, with a specific form and plan in mind. But because of our sin, which is like the plastic casing, we are constrained, held back, and prevented from taking on the form that Christ has planned for us. I then took out a bucket of warm water. As a review from one of our lessons earlier this year, I asked them who the Bible referred to as the "Living Water," - Jesus. I had each of them come forward and they filled a plastic cup with the warm water. Jesus is like the water, and when we give our lives to Him, we can finally become what we were meant to be. He takes away our sin, frees us from bondage, and fills us with His spirit so that we take on the form He originally created us in. The girls dropped their capsules in the warm water and...we waited. At first they were confused. "Are we supposed to drink it?" "NO!"* I yelled, "Just wait." Finally one of them called out "Mine is starting to grow!!!" And one by one, the capsules began to open. The plastic dissolved away and the animals began to emerge from their captivity. "Mine is a monkey! Mine is a rhino! Mine is a lion! Mine is a panther!" The girls literally could not stay seated. They had never seen these types of capsules before and were completely shocked by what happened! They were running around the classroom, showing each other their animals, watching their friends' capsules open, yelling and laughing and smiling and slowly, but surely, getting the point (see the video of their excitement below). 

Our sin is like the plastic. Until we allow the healing, transforming power of the Living Water - Jesus - to free us, we stay bottled up in our sin, never knowing our real purpose or who we were really created to be. But once we immerse ourselves in the Spirit, we are cleaned from our sin, released from our captivity, and take on the form of Christ and all He created us to be. 

First ones to ever open these books - exciting!

Incredibly illustrated and so interesting

The girls were completely enthralled 

Reading about the creation of the world and the fall of man

20 girls in class today - praise God!

Eagerly anticipating the transformation of their capsules

I have never seen them so excited about something!

One of our teacher assistants, Lucy, watches the capsules transform into animals with the girls

Having so much fun!

The girls literally could not contain themselves. They were so excited! Here's a video to prove it:

2 Corinthians 5:17 - If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come.
While we studied this verse, our focus was on the word "Cristo" or Christ. It is not when we are in the world, when we are rich, when we have finished our degree, when our family is perfect, when we have a position of power or control, when we are married, when we have a career that we love, when we finally kicked that bad habit, or when we own a car or a home that we are made new. It is only in Christ that we are we made new. He alone has the power to transform us. He alone has the power to make us new in Him. 

*I yelled "NO!" for two reasons: 1. The water was not clean water, it was water from my sink, and although I warmed it on my stove, I didn't boil it nearly long enough for them to put it in their mouths. 2. I'm pretty sure if you eat an expandable sponge capsule and it opens in your throat/stomach, you would have a MAJOR problem. 

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