Favorite Quotes from Embracing Obscurity

“Words that describe the disposition of the Christ we see in Scripture: humble, thankful, righteous, a servant – His only ambition to submit to His Father’s will. He was consumed with loving God and those around Him.”

“Let’s allow the profound simplicity of Christ’s godly ambitions to overshadow our worldly dreams and desires. Let’s daily incinerate our pride on the altar. As we learn to embrace our humble King, we might just come to appreciate our true and right place in this world: We are nothing. He is everything.”

“But as Jesus warned, we have to be careful not to practice the good things God has commanded us to do in front of an audience. In other words, we can’t let our devotion be dictated by who’s watching.”

“Sometimes suffering leads to our greater obscurity but God’s greater glory.”

“Will we use the spotlight for God’s glory or our own? Will we allow the spotlight to illuminate the way or will we be blinded by it?”

“My purpose is not to praise myself. My purpose is not to make my name great. My purpose is not to get rich. My purpose is not to gain authority over others for my ego’s sake. My purpose is not to leave brothers and sisters in the dust of my ambition. My purpose is not to make others feel small. My purpose is not to become self-sufficient. My purpose is not to earn a five-star rating from the masses…The purpose of my influential position is to make God’s name great, to advance His kingdom on Earth, and to serve others. Our purpose in the spotlight is to deflect others’ praise heavenward, making less of ourselves to make much of God.”

All quotes taken from:
By Anonymous

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