Summer 2014 Picture Gallery

Intern Mary Ann with her preschool girls

Interns Carolina and Shelby with their 1st graders

Sweet Kerlin on the swings at recess

The entire summer program (minus about 6 kids)

Preschoolers learning about Native Americans


Monte Plata summer ministry team

Baseball at recess

Awesome interns with Casa de Amor

Lula scrapbooking

Angel Gabriel scrapbooking

Kaina scrapbooking

Angelito showing his scrapbook to his house-mom

Our missionary-house-family for the summer

Summer program staff celebrating our last week at the waterfall

VBS at our church in Monte Plata - you can't even see the balcony with over 100 more kids!

Sweet CMP girls at 3 Ojos in the capital

Summer program staff with Ramon at training

1 comment:

  1. SO GOOD to see the boys scrapbooking!! That reminds me I've got a load of prints to do and to send you so they can add them to their books!
